Opportunities in Math

Undergraduate Research

Check out opportunities for research and see what some of our faculty are doing!

Study Abroad Program in Tanzania

A program for math education students. Fulfills MTH 496 (Capstone) and/or MTH 386 (Issues). 

Applied Math Seminar

Come listen to invited speakers present about applied math!

Scholarships and Awards

The math department offers annual scholarships and awards.

Annual Department Events

The REU program in mathematics, the Mosaic Lecture, and the Math in Action conference.

Student Clubs and Organizations

Math and Stat Club and Pi Mu Epsilon Honorary Society

Math Student Research and Travel Fund

Apply for funding to help with research dissemination, research costs, and gradudate school related expenses. 

Annual Department Events

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

The GVSU math department hosts an REU during the summer.

Mosaic Lecture

The annual Mosaic Lecture features nationally recognized speakers.

Math in Action Conference

A conference focused on lively and informative discussions on current issues in mathematics education.

Student Clubs and Organizations

Math and Stat Club

An organization for all students interested in mathematics and/or statistics.

The GVSU Math Team

A problem-solving group that competes in state and national math competitions.

Pi Mu Epsilon Honor Society

A national honors society for students in mathematics.

Page last modified February 10, 2025