Muskegon Lake Peer-Reviewed Publications

AWRI Faculty, Staff, & Students in bold


Dorman, R., A. Buday, S.A. Woznicki, D. DeVasto, D., and J. Fergen, J. 2023. Great Lakes for whom? Community outcomes in the Muskegon Lake and White Lake areas of concern. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 49(5) 1166-1178.

Dugener, N. M., A. D. Weinke, I. P. Stone, and B. A. Biddanda. 2023.  Recurringly hypoxic: Bottom water oxygen depletion is linked to temperature and precipitation in a Great Lakes Estuary. Hydrobiology, 2, 410–430.

Dugener, N. M., I.P. Stone, A. D. Weinke, and B. A. Biddanda. 2023. Out of oxygen: Temperature and loading drove hypoxia during a warm, wet, and productive year in a Great Lakes Estuary. J. Great Lakes Research 49(5):1015-1028.

Mader, M.M., C.R. Ruetz, S.A. Woznicki, and A.D. Steinman. 2023. Land cover and water quality of drowned river mouths: Evidence of an environmental gradient along the eastern Lake Michigan shoreline. Journal of Great Lakes Research. In Press. 


Biddanda, B., S. Kendall, A. Weinke, I. Stone, N. Dugener, S. Ruberg, J. Leidig, E. Smith, M. Berg, and G. Wolffe. 2021. Muskegon Lake Observatory buoy data: Muskegon Lake, Michigan: 2011-2019 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. 12-21-2021.

Orzechowski, R.M. and A.D. Steinman. 2022. Assessment of shoreline restoration using macroinvertebrates in a Great Lakes Area of Concern. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 194:260.


Kleindl, P. and A.D. Steinman. 2021. Contrasting trajectories in macrophyte community development after shoreline restoration: Water level obscures trends. Aquatic Botany 169: 103327. doi: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2020.103327

Mancuso, J.L., A.D. Weinke, I.P. Stone, S.E. Hamsher, M. Villar-Argaiz, and B.A. Biddanda. 2021. Cold and wet: Diatoms dominate the phytoplankton community during a year of anomalous weather in a Great Lakes estuary. Journal of Great Lakes Research 47(5): 1305- 1315. doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2021.07.003

Mancuso, J.L., A.D. Weinke, I.P. Stone, S.E. Hamsher, M.M. Woller-Skar, E.B. Snyder, and B.A. Biddanda. 2021. Bloom and bust: Historical trends of harmful algal blooms in Muskegon Lake, Michigan, a Great Lakes estuary. Freshwater Science 40(3): 463-477. doi: 10.1086/716236

Scott, J.W., K.G. Gunderson, L.A. Green, R.R. Rediske, and A.D. Steinman. 2021. Perfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) associated with microplastics in a lake environment. Toxics 9(5): 106. doi: 10.3390/toxics9050106


Harris, B.S.C.R. Ruetz IIIT.J. EllensA.D. Weinke, and Biddanda, B.A. 2020. Adult lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817) occurrence in the Muskegon River system, a Lake Michigan drowned river mouth, USA. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 36: 547-558. doi: 10.1111/jai.14076

Schmidt, M.L., B.A. BiddandaA.D. Weinke, E. Chiang, F. Januska, R. Props, and V.J. Denef. 2020. Microhabitats are associated with diversity–productivity–function relationships in freshwater bacterial communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 96(4): fiaa029. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiaa029

Senegal, T J., C.R. Ruetz IIIG.M. Chorak, D.J. Janetski, D.F. Clapp, G.J. Bowen, and T.O. Höök. 2020. Differential habitat use patterns of yellow perch Perca flavescens in eastern Lake Michigan and connected drowned river mouth lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 46(5): 1412-1422. doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2020.06.021

Steinman, A.D., J. Scott, L. Green, C. PartridgeM. OudsemaM. HassettE. Kindervater, and R. Rediske. 2020. Persistent organic pollutants, metals, and the bacterial community composition associated with microplastics in Muskegon Lake (MI). Journal of Great Lakes Research. 46(5): 1444-1458. doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2020.07.012


Chorak, G.M.C.R. Ruetz III, R.A. Thum, C.G. Partridge, D.J. Janetski, T.O. Höök, and D.F. Clapp. 2019. Yellow perch genetic structure and habitat use among connected habitats in eastern Lake Michigan. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5219

Oldenborg, K., and A.D. Steinman. 2019. Impact of sediment dredging on sediment phosphorus flux in a restored riparian wetland. Science of the Total Environment, 650: 1969-1979.

Weinke, A. D., & Biddanda, B. A. 2019. Influence of episodic wind events on thermal stratification and bottom water hypoxia in a Great Lakes estuary. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 45 (6), 1103-1112.


Biddanda, B.A., A.D. Weinke, S.T. Kendall, L.C. Gereaux, T.M. Holcomb, M.J. Snider, D.K. Dila, S.A. Long, C. VandenBerg, K. Knapp, D.J. Koopmans, K. Thompson, J.H. Vail, M.E. Ogdahl, Q. Liu, T.H. Johengen, E.J. Anderson, and S.A. Ruberg. 2018. Chronicles of hypoxia: Time-series buoy observations reveal annually recurring seasonal basin-wide hypoxia in Muskegon Lake – a Great Lakes estuary. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44: 219-229. doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2017.12.008

Chiang, E., M.L. Schmidt, M.A. Berry, B.A. Biddanda, A. Burtner, T.H. Johengen, D. Palladino, and V.J. Denef. 2018. Verrucomicrobia are prevalent in north-temperate freshwater lakes and display class-level preferences between lake habitats. PloS one, 13 (3).

Isely, P., E. Sterrett Isely, C. Hause, and A.D. Steinman. 2018. A socioeconomic analysis of habitat restoration in the Muskegon Lake area of concern. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44: 330-339. doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2017.12.002

Liu, Q., E.J. Anderson, Y. Zhang, A.D. Weinke**, K.L. Knapp, and B.A. Biddanda. 2018. Modeling reveals the role of coastal upwelling and hydrologic inputs on biologically distinct water exchanges in a Great Lakes estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 209: 41-55. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2018.05.014

Salk, K.R., A.D. Steinman, and N.E. Ostrom. 2018. Wetland restoration and hydrological reconnection result in enhanced watershed nitrogen retention and removal. Wetlands, 38: 349- 359. doi: 10.1007/s13157-017-0972-7

Weinke, A.D., and B.A. Biddanda. 2018. From bacteria to fish: Ecological consequences of seasonal hypoxia in a Great Lakes estuary. Ecosystems, 21: 426-442. doi: 10.1007/s10021-017- 0160-x


Gillett, N.D.M. Oudsema, and A.D. Steinman. 2017. Live diatoms as indicators of urban stormwater runoff. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189: 37. 016-5747-8

Harris, B.S.C.R. Ruetz IIIA.C. WietenM.E. Altenritter, and K.M. Smith. 2017. Characteristics of lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817 in a tributary of Lake Michigan, USA: status of the Muskegon River population. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33: 338-346.

Steinman, A.D., B.J. Cardinale, W.R. Munns, M.E. Ogdahl, J.D. Allan, T. Angadi, S. Bartlett, K. Brauman, M. Byappanahalli, M. Doss, D. Dupont, A. Johns, D. Kashian, F. Lupi, P. McIntyre, T. Miller, M. Moore, R.L. Muenich, R. Poudel, J. Price, B. Provencher, A. Rea, J. Read, S. Renzetti, B. Sohngen, E. Washburn. 2017. Ecosystem services in the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 43: 161-168.


Defore, A.L.A.D. WeinkeM.M. Lindback, and B.A. Biddanda. 2016. Year-round measures of planktonic metabolism reveal net autotrophy in surface waters of a Great Lakes estuary. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 77(3):139-153.

Duhamel, S., G. Nogaro, and A.D. Steinman. 2016. Effects of water level fluctuation and sediment– water nutrient exchange on phosphorus biogeochemistry in two Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Aquatic Sciences DOI: 10.1007/s00027-016-0479-y

Nogaro, G.A.M. Harris, and A.D. Steinman. 2016. Alum application, invertebrate bioturbation and sediment characteristics interact to affect nutrient exchanges in eutrophic ecosystems. Freshwater Science 35: 597-610

Salk, K.R., P.H. Ostrom, B.A. Biddanda, A.D. Weinke, S.T. Kendall, and N.E. Ostrom. 2016. Ecosystem metabolism and greenhouse gas production in a mesotrophic northern temperate lake experiencing seasonal hypoxia. Biogeochemistry131(3), pp.303-319.

Steinman, A.D. and M.E. Ogdahl. 2016. From wetland to farm and back again: water quality implications of a habitat restoration project. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-7485-4


Bhagat, Y., C.R. Ruetz III, and A.L. Akins.  2015.  Differential habitat use by the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and Dreissena spp. in coastal habitats of eastern Lake Michigan.  Journal of Great Lakes Research doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2015.08.005.

Dila, D.K., and B.A. Biddanda. 2015. From land to lake: Contrasting microbial processes across a Great Lakes gradient of organic carbon and inorganic nutrient inventories. Journal of Great Lakes Research.  Advance Open Access published on August 21, 2015.

Janetski, D.J., and C.R. Ruetz III.  2015.  Spatiotemporal patterns of fish community composition in drowned river mouth lakes of the Laurentian Great Lakes.  Ecology of Freshwater Fish 24:493-504.

McNair, J.N., M.R. Sesselmann, L.C. Gereaux, A.D. Weinke, S.T. Kendall, and B.A. Biddanda. 2015. Alternative approaches for estimating components of lake metabolism using the free-water dissolved-oxygen (FWDO) method. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 186: 21–44.

Smit, J.T., and A.D. Steinman. 2015. Wetland sediment phosphorus flux in response to proposed hydrologic reconnection and warming. Wetlands doi:10.1007/s13157-015-0655-1.

Steinman, A.D., and M.E. Ogdahl. 2015. TMDL reevaluation:  reconciling phosphorus load reductions in a eutrophic lake. Lake and Reservoir Management 31: 115-126.

Vail, J., A. Meyer, A. Weinke**, and B. Biddanda. 2015. Water quality monitoring: lesson plan for exploring time-series data. J Michigan Teachers Assoc 6: 37-48.


Nogaro, G., and A.D. Steinman. 2014. Influence of ecosystem engineers on ecosystem processes is mediated by lake sediment properties. Oikos 123: 500-512.

Ogdahl, M.E., and A.D. Steinman. 2014. Factors influencing macrophyte growth and recovery following shoreline restoration activity. Aquatic Botany 120: 363-370.

Weinke, A.D., S.T. Kendall, D.J. Kroll, E.A. Strickler, M.E. Weinert, T.M. Holcomb, A.A. Defore, D.K. Dila, M.J. Snider, L.C. Gereaux, and B.A. Biddanda.  2014.  Systematically variable planktonic carbon metabolism along a land-to-lake gradient in a Great Lakes coastal zone. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 1528–1542.


Altenritter, M.E.L., A.C. Wieten, C.R. Ruetz III, and K.M. Smith.  2013.  Seasonal spatial distribution of juvenile lake sturgeon in Muskegon Lake, Michigan, USA.  Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22:467-478.

Janetski, D.J., C.R. Ruetz III, Y. Bhagat, and D.F. Clapp.  2013.  Recruitment dynamics of age-0 yellow perch in a drowned river mouth lake: assessing synchrony with nearshore Lake Michigan.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:505-514.

Larsen, J.H., A. Trebitz, A.D. Steinman, M. J. Wiley, M. Carlson-Mazur, V. Pebbles, H. Braun, and P. Seelbach. 2013. Great Lakes rivermouth ecosystems: scientific synthesis and management implications. Journal of Great Lakes Research 39: 513-524.

McNair, J.N., L.C. Gereaux, A.D. Weinke, M.R. Sesselmann, S.T. Kendall, and B.A. Biddanda. 2013. New methods for estimating components of lake metabolism based on free-water dissolved-oxygen dynamics. Ecological Modelling 263: 251–263.

Nelson, W., and A.D. Steinman. 2013. Changing trends in benthic communities in a coastal drowned river mouth lake, a Great Lakes Area of Concern. Journal of Great Lakes Research 39: 7-18.


Parker, A.P., M.J. Cooper, C.R. Ruetz III, D.P. Coulter, and D.G. Uzarski.  2012.  Chemical and physical factors associated with yellow perch abundance in Great Lakes coastal wetlands: patterns within and among wetland types.  Wetland Ecology and Management 20:137-150.

Ruetz, C.R., III, M.R. Reneski, and D.G. Uzarski.  2012.  Round goby predation on Dreissena in coastal areas of eastern Lake Michigan.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology 27:171-184.

Steinman, A.D., M.E. Ogdahl, K. Thompson, M.J. Cooper, and D.G. Uzarski. 2012. Water level fluctuations and sediment-water nutrient exchange in Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38: 766-775.


Bhagat, Y., and C.R. Ruetz III.  2011.  Temporal and fine-scale spatial variation in fish assemblage structure in a drowned river mouth system of Lake Michigan.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1429-1440.

Gillett, N., and A.D. Steinman. 2011. An analysis of long-term phytoplankton dynamics in Muskegon Lake, a Great Lakes Area of Concern. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37: 335-342.

LaRue, E.A., C.R. Ruetz III, M.B. Stacey, and R.A. Thum. 2011. Population genetic structure of the round goby in Lake Michigan: implications for dispersal of invasive species. Hydrobiologia 663:71-82.

Steinman, A.D., M.E. Ogdahl, K. Wessell, B. Biddanda, S. Kendall, and S. Nold. 2011. Periphyton response to simulation nonpoint source pollution in the lower Muskegon River watershed. Aquatic Ecology 45: 439-454, doi: 10.1007/s10452-011-9366-8.

Xie, L., J. Hagar, R.R. Rediske, J. O’Keefe, J. Dyble, and A.D. Steinman. 2011. The influence of environmental conditions and hydrologic connectivity on cyanobacteria assemblages, including Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, in two drowned river mouth lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37: 470-479.


Ogdahl, M., V.L. Lougheed, R.J. Stevenson, and A.D. Steinman. 2010. Influences of multi-scale habitat on metabolism in a coastal Great Lakes watershed. Ecosystems 11: 222-238.

Wiley, M.J, D.W. Hyndman, B.C. Pijanowski, A.D. Kendall, C. Riseng, E.S. Rutherford, S.T. Cheng, M.L. Carlson, J.A. Tyler, R.J. Stevenson, P.J. Steen, P.L. Richards, P.W. Seelbach, J.M. Koches, and R.R. Rediske. 2010. A multi-modeling approach to evaluating climate and land use change impacts in a Great Lakes River Basin. Hydrobiologia 657:243-262.


Cooper, M.J., C.R. Ruetz III, D.G. Uzarski, and B.M. Shafer.  2009.  Habitat use and diets of round gobies in coastal areas of Lakes Michigan and Huron.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology 24:477-488.

Nelson, K.M., C.R. Ruetz III, and D.G. Uzarski.  2009.  Colonisation by Dreissena of Great Lakes coastal ecosystems: how suitable are wetlands?  Freshwater Biology 54:2290-2299.

Ruetz, C.R., III, D.L. Strouse, and S.A. Pothoven.  2009.   Energy density of introduced round goby compared with four native fishes in a Lake Michigan tributary.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:938-947.


Cookingham, M.G., and C.R. Ruetz III.  2008.  Evaluating passive integrated transponder tags for tracking movement of round gobies.  Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17:303-311.

Steinman, A.D., M. Ogdahl, R. Rediske, C.R. Ruetz III, B.A. Biddanda, and L. Nemeth.  2008.  Current status and trends of Muskegon Lake, Michigan.  Journal of Great Lakes Research 34:169-188.


Cooper, M.J., C.R. Ruetz III, D.G. Uzarski, and T.M. Burton.  2007.  Distribution of round gobies in coastal areas of Lake Michigan: Are wetlands resistant to invasion?  Journal of Great Lakes Research 33:303-313.

Ruetz, C.R., III, D.G. Uzarski, D.M. Krueger, and E.S. Rutherford.  2007.  Sampling a littoral fish assemblage: comparing small-mesh fyke netting and boat electrofishing.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:825-831.


Breen, M.J., and C.R. Ruetz III. 2006. Gear bias in fyke netting: evaluating soak time, fish density, and predators. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:32-41.

Hong, Y., A. Steinman, B. Biddanda, R. Rediske, and G. Fahnenstiel. 2006. Occurrence of the toxin-producing cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in Mona and Muskegon Lakes, Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32: 645-652.


Steinman, A.D., and M. Ogdahl. 2004. An innovative funding mechanism for the Muskegon Lake Area of Concern. Journal of Great Lakes Research 30: 341-343.

Page last modified July 31, 2024