A number of print and electronic resources for GVSU Mathematics Department courses have been written by GVSU's own mathematics faculty. Below are links to those resources.
- Active Prelude to Calculus by M. Boelkins -- used in MTH 124
- Active Calculus Single Variable by M. Boelkins, D. Austin, & S. Schlicker (free PDF or Google Docs download) -- used in MTH 201 (Calculus) and MTH 202 (Calculus 2)
- Active Calculus Multivariable by S. Schlicker, D. Austin, & M. Boelkins -- used in MTH 203 (Calculus 3)
- Mathematical Reasoning: Writing and Proof by T. Sundstrom (free PDF download) -- used in MTH 210 (Communicating in Mathematics)
- Trigonometry by T, Sundstrom & S. Schlicker (free PDF download - used in MTH 123)
- Trigonometry by Katherine Yoshiwara (free PDF download - used in MTH 123)
- An Inquiry-Based Introduction to Linear Algebra and Applications by F. Alayont and S. Schlicker. "The first two thirds of this text introduces linear algebra through matrix algebra with an emphasis on applications. The text is used in a freshman level two course linear algebra sequence. The last third of the text focuses on abstract vector spaces and their applications."
- Linear Algebra and Applications: An Inquiry-Based Approach by F. Alayont and S. Schlicker. This textbook was used for a traditional two-semester linear algebra course with application projects included in each section.
- Understanding Linear Algebra by D. Austin available at http://96k2.rpybbk.com/s/0Cl
- Topology: An Inquiry-Based Approach by S. Schlicker (free PDF download available at ScholarWorks at GVSU)
- Special Topics in Mathematics (MTH 180) by Charlene Beckmann available at http://scholarworks.rpybbk.com/books/25/
Video tutorials and screencasts
- YouTube playlist for MTH 097 (Beginning Algebra)
- YouTube playlist for MTH 110 (Intermediate Algebra)
- YouTube playlist for MTH 122 (College Algebra)
- YouTube playlist for MTH 201 (Calculus 1)
- YouTube playlist for MTH 202 (Calculus 2)
- YouTube playlist for MTH 203 (Calculus 3)
- YouTube playlist for MTH 210 (Communicating in Mathematics)
- YouTube playlist for MTH 227 (Linear Algebra)
- All of our mathematics playlists can be found here
- WeBWork for mathematics courses
- Introduction to LaTeX screencasts
Web applets
Geogebra applets are available for MTH 201 (Calculus I) and other GVSU courses: go to geogebra.org and search under “GVSU” or “MTH 201”. For an example: a GVSU applet on maximizing the size of a box.